കുറച്ചു നല്ല ഐ പി ഓ കളെ കുറിച്ച് (2018)

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ഈ വര്‍ഷം നടക്കുന്ന ചില നല്ല ഐപിഓ കള്‍  ഏതൊക്കെയാണ് എന്നുള്ളത് നോക്കാം.  വന്നതും വാരാനുള്ളതും ഇവിടെ ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു . താത്പര്യമുള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് എടുക്കാവുന്നതാണ്.

    1)Arvee Laboratories (India) Limited IPO (Arvee Labs IPO) Detail
 Incorporated in 2012, Arvee Laboratories (India) Limited is Ahmadabad, Gujarat based company engaged in trading in specialty chemicals by getting manufacturing done on job work basis. Company has plans to begin manufacturing of specialty chemicals in near future.
 Issue Open: Feb 9, 2018 - Feb 14, 2018
  »»  Issue Type: Fixed Price Issue IPO
  »»  Issue Size: 1,460,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs 8.91 Cr
  »»  Face Value: Rs 10 Per Equity Share
  »»  Issue Price: Rs 61 Per Equity Share
  »»  Market Lot: 2000 Shares
  »»  Minimum Order Quantity: 2000 Shares
  »»  Listing At: NSE SME

2)Aster DM Healthcare Ltd IPO (Aster DM Healthcare IPO) Detail
 Incorporated in 1987, Aster DM Healthcare Ltd is Kochi, Kerala based healthcare service provider with operations in GCC states (United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain), India and the Philippines. Company’s Indian operations are headquartered in Kochi, kerala
»»  Issue Open: Feb 12, 2018 - Feb 15, 2018
  »»  Issue Type: Book Built Issue IPO
  »»  Issue Size:
    ›  Fresh Issue of Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs 725.00 Cr
    ›  Offer for Sale of 13,428,251 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs [.] Cr
  »»  Face Value: Rs 10 Per Equity Share
  »»  Issue Price: Rs 180 - Rs 190 Per Equity Share
  »»  Market Lot: 78 Shares
  »»  Minimum Order Quantity: 78 Shares
  »»  Listing At: BSE, NSE

3)Medico Remedies Ltd IPO (Medico Remedies IPO) Detail

Incorporated in 1994, Medico Remedies Limited is a WHO-GMP & ISO-9001:2008 certified company engaged in manufacturing and selling of pharmaceutical formulation products in India.
The company offers formulation pharmacy products including anti-infective, beta lactum, cephalosporin, antimalarial, antiretroviral, and anti-ulcer drugs, as well as antacids; vitamins, haematinics and other supplements and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistaminics, anti-diabetics, cardio vascular drugs, diuretics, anti-epileptics, combination drug kits, syrups and creams and gels.
They serves wholesalers or traders of formulation products. The company also exports its products to Uganda, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Turkmenistan, Ghana, Mauritius, Madagascar, Congo, Iraq, Honduras, Cuba, Jamaica, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Senegal, Panama, Mozambique etc.
 Issue Detail:
  »»  Issue Open: Jan 29, 2018 - Jan 31, 2018
  »»  Issue Type: Fixed Price Issue IPO
  »»  Issue Size: 1,099,200 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs 10.99 Cr
  »»  Face Value: Rs 10 Per Equity Share
  »»  Issue Price: Rs 100 Per Equity Share
  »»  Market Lot: 1200 Shares
  »»  Minimum Order Quantity: 1200 Shares
  »»  Listing At: BSE SME

4)Galaxy Surfactants Limited IPO (Galaxy Surfactants IPO) Detail
 Incorporated in 1986, Galaxy Surfactants Limited is Mumbai, India based manufacturer of surfactants and other specialty ingredients for the personal care and home care industries. The ingredients company manufacture are commonly used in consumer-centric personal care and home care products like skin care, oral care, hair care, cosmetics, toiletries and detergent products. Galaxy surfactants product portfolio includes over 200 product grades, which are marketed to over 1,700 customers in 70 countries.
 Issue Detail:
  »»  Issue Open: Jan 29, 2018 - Jan 31, 2018
  »»  Issue Type: Book Built Issue IPO
  »»  Issue Size: 6,331,674 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs 937.09 Cr
  »»  Face Value: Rs 10 Per Equity Share
  »»  Issue Price: Rs 1470 - Rs 1480 Per Equity Share
  »»  Market Lot: 10 Shares
  »»  Minimum Order Quantity: 10 Shares
  »»  Listing At: BSE, NSE

5) Sintercom India Limited IPO (Sintercom India IPO) Detail
 Incorporated in 2007, Sintercom India Limited is Pune-based Company engaged in the business of manufacturing sintered metal automotive components of engines, transmissions systems, body chassis and exhaust applications using sintering manufacturing processes. The products manufactured by the company are used in the commercial and passenger vehicles.
The main product line of the Company is manufacturing of high strength structural sintered components of Engine and Transmissions.
 Issue Detail:
  »»  Issue Open: Feb 5, 2018 - Feb 7, 2018
  »»  Issue Type: Book Built Issue IPO
  »»  Issue Size: 6,546,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs 42.55 Cr
    ›  Fresh Issue of 3,016,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs [.] Cr
    ›  Offer for Sale of 3,530,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs [.] Cr
  »»  Face Value: Rs 10 Per Equity Share
  »»  Issue Price: Rs 63 - Rs 65 Per Equity Share
  »»  Market Lot: 2000 Shares
  »»  Minimum Order Quantity: 2000 Shares
  »»  Listing At: NSE SME


ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ജനപ്രിയ പോസ്റ്റുകള്‍‌

നബിയുടെ മക്കളുടെ വിവാഹം

നബിയുടെ അമാനുഷികത ( മുഅജിസത്ത്)

മുലകുടി ബന്ധം ഇസ്ലാമില്‍